Baptie & Company
Baptie & Company, founded in 1993, is the world’s leading provider of best practice and how-to information for the IT and Telecom channels. With over 25 years’ experience in the channel, Baptie and Company’s communities and events provide invaluable insights on the latest channel trends, channel sales, marketing and channel management issues.
Channel Focus is the leading community in the world providing information to key executives running channel programs in the largest and most innovative IT and Telecom companies. We run the Channel Focus events, recognized throughout the industry as the most relevant events for Channel Leaders. And our Channel Focus community contains probably the largest body of best practice and how-to information written by channel professionals for channel professionals.

In the last 5 years, the Channel Focus Club50 has grown to be the most powerful group of channel leaders in the IT and Telecom industries.
Club50 brings together 50 of the IT and Telecom industries’ most important channel leaders. The Club is focused on the future of the channels in these industries. Members are a mix of channel leaders from both the largest companies and newer disruptive companies in these industries.
A very powerful group of women are coming together to build on the work of the last 10 years and help more women achieve the most senior roles in the IT and telecom industries. The group has touched so many women’s lives and careers—from celebrating their successes, to giving a warm and nurturing place to be vulnerable during the tougher times.